Friday, October 30, 2015

Live the Life You've Always Dreamed of

APPLICATION: I used to dread the "Monday Blues"...from all the unnecessary stress. But guess what? I don't have that anxious feeling anymore! I feel free. What the HECK does it mean to be a Beach body Coach? It's actually different for everyone-it's the same idea, though- helping others reach their health and fitness goals WHILE you reach yours. "LIFE SHOULDN'T BE HARD...just your workouts." ;) - Chalene Johnson I've always envied those who could do their own thing and live their own life and do what they want rather than feeling like they have to work a "typical" job. I want to inspire others to Sweat Their Heart Out, Fuel Their Body, Love Thier Soul. I want EVERYONE in this world be to happy and positive. Why wouldn't you?

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