Saturday, February 27, 2016

3 Day Plant-Based Cleanse

The 3 Day Refresh is a great way to restart your body. It's an all-natural plant-based it's not taxing on your organs.

HOW do you know you need a cleanse?
- You feel sluggish
- You're craving junk food ...
- You're constipated and bloated 
- You're breaking out 
- You have brain fog
- Your mood is down
- You keep getting sick
WHEN can you do this cleanse?
- Whenever you need it (No more than once a month.) (Always check with your doctor first-pregnant or lactating women should not do this cleanse, as the caloric intake will be low.) 
- Before a new meal plan or will jump-start your body to reach your goals. 

OTHER ways to detox
- Drink lots of water 
- Drink herbal detox tea (ex. dandelion root)
- Warm lemon water and organic apple cider vinegar 
- Incorporate more fiber into your diet (I eat flax and blueberries almost everyday.)
- Take an Epsom salt bath 
- Sweat it out

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