Monday, April 18, 2016

Fro Yo and Berries Kebabs


~Mix together non-fat Greek Yogurt and Stevia (to taste).
~Place organic berries of choice (I chose strawberries) and thick banana slices to a small skewer.
~Spread a line of Greek Yo mix on wax paper or a plate covered with wax paper.
~Place skewer on top of Greek Yo. Then, spread another layer of Greek Yo on top of skewer.
~Sprinkle cacao nibs
~Cover and freeze

Have FUN!


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Go Organic. Organic Manifesto.

The earth’s soil is where all life begins and ends. In order for a healthy cycle to work, it is crucial to keep soil in its most natural and prosperous condition. Think about it: what is goes into the earth’s soil becomes absorbed by the seeds planted for our crops; these crops are consumed by humans and animals; we then eat the animals that have lived off these crops; life ends, and we return to the soil.

Organic agriculture believes in the idea of working with nature and pursues a long-term profit and healthy lifestyle for generations to come. Today’s chemical agriculture does just the opposite in that the chemical farmers and government try to control nature and strive for a short-term profit with no regards to how it is effecting the generations health and the earth’s climate.

Pesticides literally kill. Beginning around the 1930s and 40s, there was a boom in mass-produced synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides that were applied to crops across the country. Antibiotics were pumped into livestock, and artificial additives were introduced to their feed. (This was in part due to the aftermath of WWII.) Today, we have an overwhelming supply of chemically processed crops and genetically modified foods (GMO). Although GMO crops have very weak roots, they can withstand the harshest pesticides and herbicides to keep the bugs and weeds away, resulting in less labor, a larger crop size, and faster profit. But what about the consumers of these fruits and vegetables? Does it matter that we are literally introducing poison into our bodies? Here are some of the health issues that have been linked to chemical farming-including GMO crops and unhealthy livestock: reduced intelligence, behavioral problems, cancer, brain toxicity, fertility issues, diabetes, and obesity.

We should be supporting organic farmers for their hard work in maintaining a clean crop and healthy livestock. We should be supporting our bodies with a healthy lifestyle and well-being. We should be supporting a clean environment. We should support the soil and its job.
Why are there more chemical farmers than organic farmers? Why is organic more expensive? Due to the Farm Bill and lobbying, chemical farmers are given incentives, insurance, and bailouts to continue growing GMO crops. However, the organic farmers receive no financial support from the government and have to pay a 5% premium for insurance; therefore, organic farmers need to raise their prices on produce to make a living. Although, if you think about it, the amount of tax money going towards our healthcare costs and environmental clean-up is more expensive in the long-run than buying organic. “Quantity of food is not the problem…price of food and political instability are.”

According to Organic Manifesto, there are 4 billion pounds of pesticides per year applied to U.S. crops. Crops have been contaminated, which pollutes our air (too much carbon dioxide), our water (from runoff), our wildlife (such as pollinating bees), and ourselves (as consumers).

To put into perspective on how organic farming can save our earth, here is a study done in 2008 that was mentioned in Organic Manifesto:  A team of 150 independent organic certified farmers worked on a 33 acre farm in California. They kept 10.5 million lbs. of chemical fertilizers, and 305,000 lbs. of chemical pesticides out of the environment, and saved 1.7 million lbs. of petroleum. This is equivalent to taking 7,500 cars off the road each year. Imagine how much we can nurse our earth back to health if all farmers switched to organic. However, switching to organic farming is not that easy, as it takes three years to heal chemical induced soil.

5 solutions to save us – Organic Manifesto:

      1.)      Protest to ban chemical and GMO agriculture. Reverse the Farm Bill model.
      2.)     Fight for funding to go to organic farmers. Know you are doing something good! It takes one person to make a change.
      3.)    Business communities need to step up, be leaders, and support and enrich the people and the planet. It takes one person to make a change.
       4.)   Look towards the long-term health rather than short-term profit.
      5.)  We need to demand what is right. We should not have to settle for poisoned food, dirty air, contaminated water, and fake seeds. Maria Rodale stated from Organic Manifesto, “Stand for food that is safe and affordable for all...make organic the conventional choice rather than the exceptional choice.”

This information is a summary from Organic Manifesto: How Organic Farming Can Heal Our Planet, Feed the World, and Keep Us Safe, by Maria Rodale.

For more information on the farming timeline, visit:

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Healthy Nutrition-Packed Cookies.

These cookies are great for:
~your sweet tooth
~a pick-me-up snack
~a pre-workout snack
~an ingredient for a healthy shake (I threw it in my vanilla Shakeology. YUM!)

Some of the many benefits

Oats - rich in fiber and minerals
Pumpkin - beta-carotene antioxidants, potassium, vitamin A
Cacao - high in antioxidants

*Stevia is a sweetener that comes from a leaf. Stay away from artificial sweeteners! 
*Peanut butter should have only one ingredient-peanuts. (go organic!)

(for more benefits of these ingredients, go to medical news today.)


1 c oats
1/2 c pumpkin
1/8 c stevia
1 TBS cacao powder (100%)
1 TBS nut butter (I used Adams natural PB)
1 tsp vanilla extract
cinnamon to taste. 

Spoon onto a non-stick or greased (I used coconut oil) baking sheet.
Bake at 355 degrees for 12-18 min (depending on desired texture).
Remove and let cool completely.